Click on a letter to view more names of Jesus – A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
He is the Almighty who has all the power to change your life!
He is the Bread of Life who only can really satisfy your soul!
He is the Comforter who can comfort you in every heartache of your life!
He is the Deliverer who can free you from the bondage of all sin!
He is the Everlasting Lord who can give you eternal life!
He is the Faithful One who will never leave or forsake you!
He is the Giver of everything good!
He is the Hope of Glory who can give your life direction and purpose like nothing else.
He is the Invincible and Immortal Lord God who wants to save you from wasting your life!
He is Just and knew sin must be paid for and He died to pay for our sin!
He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords—He truly is worthy to trust with your life!
He is the Lord of Love who loves you more than you can ever comprehend!
He is the Messiah, the Most High God!
He is Open to receive you right now!
He is the Prince of Peace and until you have Jesus you will search for what is missing in your life!
He is the Rock of Salvation, the Redeemer of all mankind, and the Resurrection and the life!
He is the Savior of the world and wants to be your personal Savior!
He is the Truth who can set your life free from living a lie!
He Understands you like you don’t even understand yourself and loves you!
He is Victory and wants to be your victory!
He is The Way to you knowing the one LORD God as your Father!
Excellent is His Name in all the earth!
He Yearns that you would know Him as your personal Lord and Savior!
And He is Zealous that no one or nothing would be more precious to you than Jesus